About Mama Be Well

About me

Hello! I’m so thrilled to have this opportunity to connect with you. My name is Katie Englund. I am a Master Level Reiki Healer & Teacher, EFT Practitioner, Intuitive, Personal Peace Coach and the founder of Mama Be Well.

I live in West Seattle with my two kids, two cats, two dogs and one husband :)

When I’m not at Mama Be Well or spending time with my family, you can find me connecting with my local Recovery community, reading, or taking myself on spirit-guided adventures.

My path

My motherhood journey has been a catalyst for an indescribable personal healing journey. Through my desire to show up as a healthier person for my kids, I’ve been led on a path that has introduced me to incredible teachers, healers and modalities that have allowed me to shed the self-protective armor of attachment and addiction and show up as my higher self for those I love.

My own healing journey has led me to this beautiful vocation of helping others along their own sacred healing path. I’d be honored to work with you. Please don’t hesitate to reach our with any questions or special scheduling requests. I look forward to connecting with you.

Mama Be Well origin story

Mama Be Well was born during the Pandemic. After being laid off from my restaurant job of 14.5 years in March 2020, I began repeating this mantra to myself over and over and over again, “Getting laid off was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

Many spiritually connected new friends entered my online orbit during the months that followed, including two very important new teachers who would help me to step into my gifts and pursue this powerful new path.

I’d be honored to connect with you on your own sacred healing path. If you’re on Instagram, I’d love the connect with you there! You can find me at @mamabewell_reiki. Or send me an email and let me know which part of my story you connected with. I look forward to meeting you!

Sending peace & Reiki,



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Mama Be Well- Helping women to breakthrough the stress and chaos of everyday life and return to the Peaceful, Powerful, Playful souls of who they truly are.

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