There’s something I’m craving, and maybe you’ve been craving it too…
In-person, small group meditation. Weekly. To build our meditation practice AND to build community.
So I’m beginning to offer small Group Meditation Experiences at the Mama Be Well Healing Studio.
I have space for 7 women to join me each Tuesday (trans and non-binary friends included :).
I will guide the group in a meditative grounding process followed by silent meditation time. Then we’ll wrap up by sharing about our experience and setting intentions for the rest of our week. We’ll be done by 8:15pm.
The cost is just $12.
If this appeals to you, you can reserve your spot HERE.
And if you have any questions, or any requests for offering this on a different day/time, please send me an email at
I look forward to seeing who the Universe brings together for this.
Sending peace & Reiki,
I’m so thrilled and honored to announce that Tamara Kubacki, founder of Listening to Grief, will be hosting in-person grief support groups at the Mama Be Well Healing Studio on Monday evenings this Fall.
I’m so grateful that Tamara is answering the call for in-person Grief Support Groups here in West Seattle. What a beautiful and important offering.
Reach out to Tamara via her website for more info 💫
Sending peace & Reiki to all who are grieving and healing right now.
With love,
Recently I was meeting with my Women in Recovery Circle and someone shared something that I really needed to hear.
She had recently been through a very difficult season, which required her to spend a lot of time with her family of origin. Emotions were high and triggers were constant. This is the prayer helped her:
“Dear God, please help me to not make this worse.”
As a fiery Aries who loves to speak her mind and “fix” what doesn’t feel right, this prayer immediately resonated with me. In the few days since I heard it, I’ve already found myself using it for some challenging situations in my own life.
Maybe there’s a situation you’re dealing with that this prayer could be helpful with?
As always, if you’re craving support around a situation in your life, and could use some quiet space for Divine Guidance to come through, a Reiki + Insight Session never fails to provide clarity and comfort when life is feeling confusing or hard.
Please email me with any special appointment requests (such as evening or weekends). Or click here to book during my regularly scheduled times.
Sending Peace & Reiki,
Up until this year, I’ve always set New Year’s Intention and Goals on January 1st. However, this year that just didn’t feel aligned for me.
You see, the farther I get along in this spiritual journey, the more I find myself aligning the the rhythm of nature, rather than the rhythm of our modern world. Can you relate?
So now, as we are coming out the darkness of winter, and buds, blooms and new growth are popping up all around, New Year Intention Setting is feeling more naturally aligned for me and hopefully for you too!
Today is the first day of Spring (March 19th) and it’s also the first day of the Astrological New Year. Hello, Aries season! Hopefully these questions will feel as fun to you as they did for me.
Journal Prompts for Spring Equinox Intention Setting:
The color I’m giving to this year is _______. This color makes me feel _______ and reminds me of _______.
The flowers I want to smell this year are _______. This smell makes me feel _______ and reminds me of _______.
One fear I’d like to release this year is _______.
I’d like to replace that fear with the feeling of _______.
One adulting task I’m going to check off my list this year is _______. (examples- getting your will in order, hiring an accountant, setting up a special savings account, cleaning out a closet or storage unit) What delightful experiences will this create space for?
One old skill I want to dust off and start enjoying again is _______. (examples- playing an instrument, singing, picking up the paintbrush, graffiti ;). This activity always made me feel _______ and I can’t wait to bring that feeling back into my life again.
One person I want to work towards forgiving this year is _______. How will I start that process? What part of myself do I need to nurture in order to feel safe to forgive? What help or support could I seek around this?
What part of my outward appearance do I want to breathe some creative energy into? Do I want to spruce up my wardrobe with more color or better fitting pieces? Do I want to buy a new inspiring shade of lipstick? Maybe it’s time to try the hairstyle I’ve been admiring and saving inspiration photos of in my phone?
My word or mantra for the year is _______. This word/mantra reminds me to _______ and makes me feel _______.
One relationship I want to nurture/heal this year is _______. (examples- your relationship with yourself, with food, with another human or animal in your life, with money). Improving/nurturing this relationship will make me feel _______ and free me up to _______.
Overall, this year, I want to feel _______. I love feeling this way because _______. Being in this feeling and energy more often will help me to _______. I love feeling _______!
Gentle reminder to date the page for future opportunities to revel in all that’s unfolded and marvel at just how insightful your intentions were. Also, feel free to pick and choose which of these prompts feel good! No need to do all 10 :)
If you feel called to share your answers, I’d love to hold them in the light-filled energy of Reiki for you. Please feel free to reply to this email. And, if you’d like to schedule a Reiki + Insight Session for yourself, I’d love to see you and chat about your intentions in person!
You can book your session HERE or email me for special appointment requests (such as evening or weekend appointments which I love to accommodate when I can!).
Sending peace & Reiki,
As we feel our way through this calendar year transition, I know many of us are reflecting on all of the life we navigated in 2023.
Twist and Turns.
The full human experience… it was all there.
If you’re in a reflective mood, like I am right now, I wanted to offer these journal prompts.
And if you’d like to share your answers with me, I’d be honored to share in your reflection and celebration of a year fully lived.
2023 Year End Reflection Questions:
What goals, if any, did I set out to accomplish in 2023? (think finances, health, relationships, career, hobbies, routine)
What progress did I make towards my goals?
What shifts in perspective or values did I experience along the way? Did this change my goals?
What was the biggest surprise of 2023?
What were my most challenging setbacks?
What unexpected help/gifts did I encounter along the way?
What felt like my most “star aligned” moment of the year?
What experiences caused the most fear?
What moments strengthened my faith (in humanity, the Universe, myself)?
What mantras or words helped me along the way?
Need some quiet space to reflect? The Reiki table is a great place to reconnect with yourself. You can book your next Reiki + Insight Session below.
I don’t talk about it much, but I use crystals for grounding, wisdom and support every single day. As a Reiki practitioner, my appreciation for and relationship with crystals has definitely deepened and grown. One of my favorite new crystals that I’ve recently connected with is Green Aventurine. And based on my personal experience with this crystal, as well as what I’ve learned through a little bit of research, this one is worth highlighting as a powerful helper for our human journeys here on the earthly plane. I’m going to defer to the experts here, so if you’re interested in learning more about this crystal, click below to find the most thorough (and delightful) online article I found during my exploration. But if you’re just wanting the cliff notes- here are my favorite two lines, “Green Aventurine releases old patterns, habits, and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life, allowing one to move forward with confidence and to embrace change.”
Every Reiki session is different. And what unfolds never ceases to delight and amaze me. My main job as the practitioner is to get out of the way. As a channel for Reiki energy, I’m not trying to interfere or interject my desired outcome for the session. The Reiki knows what to do and it always flows for the highest good of the recipient. The Universe knows best.
I’m so humbled and grateful to have been placed in this role. Life prepared me for this. Reiki called me to this. And I’m so honored to be a part of my clients’ healing journeys by providing the safe and sacred space for the Reiki to reconnect them with the wholeness of who they are.
What benefits have you experienced through Reiki? If you’ve spent time on my Reiki table or in my Reiki Zoom room, I’d be grateful if you’d take a moment to share your experience on my page. Your experience could provide a vital clue for another woman on their sacred healing path.
New to Reiki? You can learn more about it and/or book your very own Reiki experience here.
I tested the waters last month and now I’m officially taking the leap.
I’m offering 90 minute Reiki + Insight sessions from here on out! 🙌🏼
When I first started my healing practice- I couldn’t imagine offering anything longer than 60 minutes. But since then I’ve advanced through two more levels of Reiki training, I’ve deepened my personal Reiki practice and I have a lot more to give! The Reiki wants more time now and I’m delivering. 💫
The 90 minute sessions I conducted in September felt sooo good. I’m excited to share this expansive Reiki + Insight experience with more of you.✨✨
If you’re a current client who has 60 minute sessions left to use, please reach out to me directly and I will help you to book those.
And if you have any questions- please reach out. 💌
Sending peace & Reiki,
I used to ingest my peace. And my “ingestible peace” of choice was alcohol. Maybe you’ll relate…
After getting home from my restaurant job, I would pop open a bottle of white wine to help me shake off the emotions of the day. And when that first wave of liquid warmth would wash over me, I would feel instantly soothed. I would feel like my true self. Happy, peaceful, relaxed.
I called it my “I don’t care juice.” And for a deep feeler and deep thinker like me, that “I don’t care juice” feeling was everything. It was my solution for a long time.
But like many quick fixes, alcohol had a rebound effect and a lot of negative side effects. Also, it was not a “solution” I could pass along to my kids, who are also deep feelers and deep thinkers like me.
So I started seeking other (healthy) ways to give my body and mind that feeling of peaceful relaxation that alcohol had offered me for so many years.
As I began walking my path towards healing and true personal peace, so many amazing healers, teachers and modalities appeared.
4 years ago I put down the wine bottle for good and said yes to this Spiritual Path. And one year ago I created The Personal Peace Project for women on a similar journey.
The Personal Peace Project isn’t a program that’s meant to get you sober if that’s something you’re wrestling with (there are plenty of other wonderful programs for that). But this is a program that’s mean to help you discover your inner well-spring of peace. A peace so deep and powerful that life’s ups and downs cannot permanently shake it. And in that deep peace, you’ll find your power. And with that power, you’ll do so much good.
If this speaks to you, then I’d love to connect. Send me an email and we’ll schedule a time to chat this week. There are two spots left in the Fall Session and I’d love to have you join us if it feels like a good fit.
Your friend in peace,
Saturday morning I woke up with this thought in my head.
It’s the last line of my favorite passage from the book, Untamed by Glennon Doyle. Have you read it? It’s been a couple of years since I read it, but I love that this line greeted me when I woke up yesterday morning. Here’s the rest of the passage, in case you’re needing this kind of encouragement too:
“Something’s off about my life. I feel restless and frustrated. I have this hunch that everything was supposed to be more beautiful than this. I imagine fenceless, wide-open savannas. I want to run and hunt and kill. I want to sleep under an ink-black, silent sky filled with stars. It’s all so real I can taste it.” Then she’d look back at the cage, the only home she’s ever known. She’d look at the smiling zoo keepers, the bored spectators....she’d sigh and say, “I should be grateful. I have a good enough life here. It’s crazy to long for what doesn’t even exist.” I’d say: “Tabitha. You are not crazy. You are a goddamn cheetah.”
How beautiful and relatable is this? The guilt about wanting more. About wanting something you’re not sure even really exists. Talking yourself out of your “knowing” because it doesn’t fit the narrative you’ve been fed all of your life. I’m here to tell you that you CAN trust that knowing. You’re not crazy. You’re a goddamn cheetah. And you were made for more.
Sending Peace, Love & Wide Open Spaces to explore ALL that you are.
“Mama be well.” I vividly remember the first time I saw these words. It was a few years ago and they were pasted in the window of a local business. I happened to glance over as I was driving by and my gaze was guided to them by what felt like an unseen hand. It was one of those “whoosh” moments. (I’ll be sharing more about whoosh moments in future posts).
When I read these words, “Mama be well” they immediately felt like a soothing balm to my weary mama soul. I felt lovingly held by them. In that moment, I felt seen and I felt understood.
Motherhood can be so isolating. Which is such a paradox. Because as moms, we’re rarely alone.
There have been many stretches of my motherhood journey where I was not “well.”
But I can look back at that struggling mama now with love and tenderness. I always did the best I could, with the tools I had.
I’m so honored now to have these words as the calling card for my new business. I hope they prove to be a soothing balm for other moms who might see them as they are driving by my office or scrolling past my page.
If you’re a mama in the midst of a season of struggle, I want to let you know that it’s okay not to be okay right now. It’s ok not to be “well.” You are love-able and worthy exactly as you are.
In this chapter of your journey, you are right on time for where you’re meant to be and for where you’re headed next. More will be revealed, just stay. 💖✨✨✨
“We see how our experience can benefit others.”
Isn’t that when true healing begins?
When we know that our pain and our struggle were not in vain?
When we see that our difficult experiences have prepared us to be a more compassionate parent?
Some of the most difficult parts of my personality, the parts that have caused me the most pain and shame, well my kids have those parts too.
Thank goodness I carved out the time for my own healing and growth these past 13 years as I’ve navigated motherhood and life.
My motherhood journey has proven to be a powerful catalyst for me to seek out positive & healing change.
Can you relate? Is that where you are right now?
Is motherhood causing you to wake up to the parts of yourself that are ready to heal?
Through my desire to show up as a healthier person for my kids, I’ve been led on a path that has introduced me to incredible teachers, healers and modalities that have allowed me to shed the self-protective armor of attachment and addiction and show up as my higher self for them and everyone else around me.
I’m doubly excited about my Mama Be Well Healing Packages because I know that when moms carve out time and space for their own healing, they pass those tools along to their kids too.
The investments that I’ve made in my own healing these past 13 years are paying off immeasurably right now.
My kids are having a human experience just like I am. I don’t get to protect from life doing what life does. But I can share with them the skills I’ve developed that allow me to cope in a much healthier way these days.
If these words are resonating with you, I’d love to invite you to join my Mama Be Well Community.
I’m so excited to begin working with a community of moms who are ready to shed what’s no longer serving them and HEAL. 💫
I have so much to share about how my new calling to become an Energetic Healer for Moms revealed itself to me.
If you had asked me 6 months ago, I would have been shocked to hear that I would be starting a brick & mortar business as a Reiki Healer & EFT practitioner. Never could I have guessed that this would the next step on my life’s path.
Back in 2009, when my son was one year old, I began my journey towards healing myself so that I could show up as a human that could be a bright and healthy light for him.
Little did I know, that in the following 12 years, as I sought out the support and healing that I needed, I would eventually find this calling, to be a source of energetic healing and support for other moms.
Over the next week, I’ll be sharing more of my healing journey with you.
Anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-loathing, lack of confidence, alcoholism and other addictive behaviors are all apart of my story.
I’m in a really good spot now, thanks to the many healers and teachers that I’ve worked with over the years, and valuable tools that I’ve learned along the way. I’m so honored to now be in a position to share my healing with you.
Peace & Love, Katie
Sign-up to receive healing affirmations in your inbox as well as news about upcoming healing workshops and offerings.
I’m happy to connect and answer your questions. Please don’t hesitate to send me an email. I reply to emails Mon-Fri and will get back to you promptly on those days.
Email me at
© 2021 Mama Be Well LLC